Are You a Butter Knife Christian or Meat Cleaver Christian?

One of the major goals of the Mountain Movers Deliverance Ministry is to help women grow very quickly in their spiritual walk. The level of growth we are shooting for requires uncompromising truth in order to divide (through cutting) the wicked soul from the righteous spirit as talked about in Hebrews 4:12.

You see, one of the tricks of the enemy is to get you to focus solely on what demons are doing to you. This puts you in the position of a weak victim with zero power and it keeps you from the cutting referenced above. 

In case you didn’t know, we are responsible for (cutting) our part in sin. If you take a look at Matthew 18:8 you can see how:

“If your hand or your foot causes you to stumble and sin, cut it off and throw it away from you [that is, remove yourself from the source of temptation]; it is better for you to enter life crippled or lame, than to have two hands or two feet and be thrown into everlasting fire.”

Jesus says that we are to surgically and spiritually “cut off” any member of our body immediately that may “cause” us to sin, including our tongues, eyes and ears. Scripturally, I can give plenty of evidence that this also includes parts of the brain regarding our thoughts and even the heart and soul where wicked agendas and evil emotions come from.

God is asking each of us to be willing, out of love for Him, to do some radical cutting in our own lives.

Our loving God is encouraging us to do our own cutting of sin. Back in Old Testament days (in various cultures), punishment for sinful crimes was physical amputation. For crimes like forgery and theft the criminal’s hand would be severed.

Now, because of God’s love for His daughters under His dispensation (or pouring out of) His Grace and Mercy, we can come into 100 percent alignment with our own healing and deliverance through the cutting process.

Only then can God, who is the Great Physician, begin His radical plan to heal, deliver and restore us and our families!

Simply put:

No cutting on our end….

No healing, deliverance and restoration on His end.

This will include whatever is necessary, including amputating ANY and ALL body parts that cause us to sin in our hearts. To be clear, the amputation is in the heart. I am not suggesting you literally cut off body parts. Jesus said it Himself that the heart of the woman is continually evil.

The word, “cut” literally means to sever quickly and cleanly. I like the word, “amputate,” because it gives a more graphic illustration of what an expert physician would do in order to stop the speed of infection and to give the patient the best possible outcome.

Expert “cutters” in various fields today include professional chefs, gemologists, hair stylists and surgeons. They understand that the quality of their product or service is highly determined by the precision of their cutting instruments.

Unfortunately, many Christian women do not like the idea of professionally cutting their own sin with precision. Instead, they like to remind everyone else of what they need to cut.

Sound familiar?

This is common because we are too comfortable with our sin and it is easier to correct someone else rather than look in the mirror.

This is why women will opt-out of the severe cutting of all sin in their own lives by using what I call the “butter-knife” approach.

The butter knife approach is a cute and soft way to deal with sin because it doesn’t require drastic change. Instead, it utilizes the “little by little” approach and the "when I'm ready" mindset.

The butter knife approach sounds like this:

  • “Well, it’s not THAT bad.”

  • “It’s going to take time to forgive them, you don’t understand what they’ve done to me.”

  • “One more won’t hurt.”

  • “I’m trying to keep the peace.”

  • “I’ll wait until next week…”

  • “I’ll start next week.”

  • “Let me do this first, then I’ll do that.”

  • “What’s the big deal anyway?”

  • “Nobody will find out.”

  • “I’m just starting my walk with the Lord. This is going to take time.”

  • “I’m under grace and not law.”

  • “Nobody understands my situation and who I’m married to.”

The butter knife approach to sin can be summed up with these three observations:

1.     Butter Knifers make up excuses so the sin they are engaged in is still acceptable.

2.     They justify why they need more time to stop sinning.

3.     BNs defend the sin simply because they believe their sin is acceptable.

A lot of women love to use butter knives when it comes to their own sin, yet they have a meat cleaver ready to go when it comes to everyone else’s sin.

God tells us the repercussions of doing this….and they are not good. Matt. 7:1-5 Think speck and plank……

The bible has commanded us here at Mountain Movers that we must first move all the mountains of sin in our own lives, so that we can stand integrous before Our King and all of heaven as a true representative of God’s Holiness.

In other words, it’s time for us to use sharper tools to cut the sin in our lives. So here’s the question:

What sins do you need to cut out of your life?

Ladies...It’s time to throw away all your butter knives and get out the meat cleavers so we can start moving some mountains together!
