Be sure to check out the Wednesday night deliverance call recordings on our new YouTube channel. In addition, we will be posting Facebook live recordings and other great content for you to enjoy.

Click to go to the channel.



Paul warned us! But even now, years after Paul walked the earth, we are seeing a rampant spread of a counterfeit Holy Spirit all throughout the body of Christ. But why?

In this video, Melissa Taft discusses Paul's concern when he spoke to the church of Corinth saying: “But now I FEAR that you will be tricked, just as Eve was tricked by that lying snake. I am afraid that you might stop thinking about Christ in an honest and sincere way. We told you about Jesus, and you received the Holy Spirit and accepted our message. But you let some people tell you about another Jesus. Now you are ready to RECEIVE ANOTHER SPIRIT and accept a different message... Anyway, they are no more than false apostles and dishonest workers. They only pretend to be apostles of Christ. And it is no wonder. Even Satan tries to make himself look like an angel of light.” 2 Corinthians 11:3, 4, 13, 14

What spirit was behind it all? KUNDALINI Do not be deceived! The Lord warns us in 1John 4:1 to test every spirit, for His people die for lack of wisdom.

MOST Won’t

Have you been wondering WHAT IT TAKES to step onto a new path? A path that leads to a life of purpose, miracles, health, prosperity, fulfillment?

Carlyn LaCaze knows all to well what it takes to step off the wide road and onto the narrow. Before Carlyn gave her life to the Lord, she spent years in bondage to drugs and alcohol abuse and suffered the consequences of not knowing Jesus as her ROCK and savior.

She now serves men and women coming out of similar circumstances, as God has given her the grace and strength to share hope with others.



In this video, Deliverance Minister, Melissa Taft, shares how to use both defensive and offensive warfare strategies when spiritual attacks arise.

The devil’s case against you

In this 15 minute video, Melissa Taft unpacks how the devil builds a case against women daily. His goal is to keep you from your calling, your blessings and more. Listen as Melissa shares what we can do to avoid the tormentors and live righteously.



The occult is all around you whether you know it or not. In this fantastic teaching, from Mountain Mover Facilitator, Jen Skouson, your eyes will be opened up to all of the “in your face” symbols we are subjected to everyday.

More importantly, you will know how to protect yourself from these demonic influences!

NO MORE B.S.! (Being sick)

The world system has trained everyone that being sick is a part of the plan...but did you know that God has a better plan for your life and it doesn't include sickness!?? In this teaching, Mountain Mover Deliverance Minister, Melissa Taft shares what it takes to refuse sickness and trust The Lord to do exactly what He said He would do!


The three levels of repentance required to receive full deliverance

Mountain Mover Minister, Melissa Taft, goes into detail on different levels of repentance and how they affect your deliverance journey. Get ready to go deep!


This is the first all-virtual Mountain Mover’s women’s seminar. In this seminar, Melissa Taft, along with the Mountain Mover facilitators, cover what it takes to move the spiritual mountains in your life.

In addition, you will be blown out by the testimony from MM Moderator, Carlyn LaCaze. Share this video. It is life-changing!


Drastic times require drastic action

The world is getting more wicked as the days go on. The devil is getting more bold. From SatanCon happening in Scottsdale to Little Nas satan shoes, it is safe to say the devil is using drastic tactics to steal souls. It's time for the body of Christ to do more than sit in a Sunday service and think that we are "getting it done." It's time to be drastic in our walk. It's time to meet drastic times with drastic action. In this video, Mountain Mover Minister, Melissa Taft will educate you and inspire you to take your Christian walk to a whole new level.