Deliverance faqs
What is deliverance?
“Jesus, Himself, went about doing good, healing all who were oppressed of the devil.”
Deliverance is a beautiful and tangible expression of God’s love and mercy. Keep in mind that just because Jesus is no longer physically present on the earth does not mean that His power and ability to heal and deliver aren’t. Deliverance, just like healing, became your inheritance right as God’s daughter the day you gave your life to Christ and became indwelled with the Holy Spirit.
He is the One that now provides you with the ability to achieve total and complete freedom from demonic torment, affliction, oppression and sickness. This is accomplished through driving out demons by verbally casting them out in the name of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the only name demons will obey. Deliverance should be an integral part of your Christian walk enabling you to experience life-changing transformation so that you can fulfill the call on your life.
Yes. The following medical and psychiatric conditions were specifically caused by demons: Hearing & speech impediments (Mk. 9:17, 25; Mt. 9:32-33), seizures & convulsions (Lk. 9:42; Mk. 1:26), blindness (Mt. 12:22), stuttering (Lk. 11:14), fevers (Lk. 4:38-39), insanity (Dan. 4:33; 1 Sam. 16:14, 18:10; Mk. 5:15,18; Lk. 8:27, 35-36), suicide & self-destruction (1 Kg. 18:26-28; Mt. 17:15; Mk. 5:5, 9:22; Jn. 10:10), emotional torment (1 Sam. 16:14; Mt. 4:24), murder (1 Sam. 18:9-11; Jn. 13:27; Acts 19:16), divination (Acts 16:16), deception (1 Tim. 4:1-3), lying (1 Kg. 22:22; 2Cr. 18:20-22; Jn. 8:44), strife (Jdg. 9:23), scoliosis/arthritis (Lk. 13:16) & violence (Acts 19:16; Mk. 7:30, 9:26; 1 Sam. 16:15-16).
What is a demon?
A demon is a disembodied spirit being that seeks to oppress and torment your mind, soul and physical body by carrying out its specific assignment over you personally. Demons can also take orders within a highly sophisticated infrastructure that has a governing hierarchy ruled by satan in order to help him establish and fulfill his plans against God and His creation. (See Ephesians 6:12).
Can a Christian Be demon-possessed?
Born again Christians cannot be possessed by demons because their spirit man is already possessed by the Holy Spirit. There is a distinction between being fully “possessed” by a demon and being tormented, oppressed, afflicted and influenced by a demon. Possession allows demons to take complete control over the thoughts, actions and behaviors of a person. (Matt. 17:14-18; Luke 4:33; 8:27-33.)
At salvation, a person becomes “God-Possessed” by receiving their new born again spirit as a result of being adopted into God’s family. The parts of the person that remain unchanged after salvation are: the body, soul and mind. It is in these 3 areas where any type of demonic torment, oppression and sickness can reside. For instance, a chronic pattern of unhealthy, negative thinking referred to as a “stronghold” can cause significant torment in the mind and soul of an individual; eventually inflicting physical pain, disease, a syndrome or a mental disorder.
An example of this is BDD (Body Dysmorphic Disorder), a mental stronghold and condition which gives legal right to an unclean spirit. This results in Anorexia Nervosa, in order to put and keep a person in severe physical, mental and emotional bondage.
Can a person have more than one demon?
Absolutely! Mark 5:9 “And Jesus asked him, ‘What is your name?’ And the demon answered saying, my name is legion, for we are many.”
Luke 8:2 and in Mark 16:9 also reference Mary Magdalene who had been delivered from 7 demons and cured of multiple infirmities. This scripture proves that a person can be afflicted with more than one demon and also that demons can be the cause of sickness and disease.
All unsaved people to include world dictators like Hitler and Osama Bib-Laden, satan worshippers, religious leaders, famous actors and musicians and many others can be under the massive influence of legions of demons to the point of becoming fully possessed.
Heavy drug users, homeless people, the mentally ill, prostitutes, porn stars, mass murderers, rapists and pedophiles can also be under the influence of many, many demons to the point of possession.
As these represent extreme examples, keep in mind, that demons are no respecter of persons just as scripture tells us God isn’t either. Meaning, an unsaved person doesn’t have to be famous or well-known in order to be heavily influenced or possessed by demons.
Thankfully, as a born-again believer, you only have One Spirit, the Perfect Holy Spirit living in you. However, just like an unbeliever, you can still be “under the influence” of demonic activity and influence.
Scripture doesn’t mention the exact number of either demons or angels that exist. Scripture does, however, elude to the fact that there is a myriad of demons just as there are a myriad of angels. Many Bible scholars believe that when satan fell from heaven, he took a third of the angels with him. What we can accurately access from the Word of God is that the unseen realm is too vast and mysterious for us to fully understand or comprehend.
There are many ways to tell if you are under the influence of demons. This is the objective of meeting with an anointed deliverance minister who can minister to you personally.
First, it is important to understand that there are several ways demons interact and influence you in order to gain access to you on a regular basis. These include: movies, TV, music, the internet, religion, occult items, drugs, alcohol, medicine and even other people. Keep in mind that the spiritual realm is all around us influencing us daily. In fact, the spiritual realm is more real than the natural realm we live in and experience. Not understanding this truth is how satan and his kingdom continue to operate legally on a massive scale.
On an individual basis, demonic spirits have the opportunity to gain full access to someone who is unsaved (unbeliever). But they can also can gain access to a saved person (believer) who is not fully submitted to the Lordship of Jesus Christ which happens through the renewing the mind.
An unrenewed mind is the ultimate breeding ground for the enemy who seeks to devour your life as a Christian. How? Because an unrenewed mind can influence you to sin by tempting, enticing, deceiving, seducing and lying to you in order to influence your thoughts, attitudes, actions, behaviors and choices.
The enemy wants you to sin more than anything else because it gives him more access into every area of your life. Sin is the biggest entry point for demons (John 5:14). An unrenewed mind is the biggest entry point for sin.
Continued sin is rebellion and can lead to all types of demonic affliction, torment an oppression which includes addictions, disorders, sicknesses, diseases, poverty, premature death, accidents and most importantly, your inability to fulfill God’s call on your life.
Additionally, many demon spirits have had a big head start in your life by working through unresolved trauma, abandonment, rejection, unforgiveness, all forms of abuse, self-hatred, fear and a lack of knowledge regarding God’s Word. In many cases, just renewing your mind might not be enough in the beginning to help you break free from demonic torment. Therefore deliverance will be necessary.
Demons can also operate around you through “something else.” For instance, even many Christians have seen or experienced demonic activity in their own home or in someone else’s such as in a haunted house situation. Many Christians have also experienced demonic activity through a Ouija board, a seance, watching a scary movie, owning an occult object, or even through some type of new age or occult practice.
Demons can also operate around you through “someone else.” Many Christians experience mental and emotional torment on an on-going basis by someone close to them such as an angry, abusive and controlling husband or even through a critical, controlling, knit-picking parent.
It is vital to understand that we are not fighting flesh and blood, to include objects or even people. We are fighting an unseen realm that will use any thing and any means necessary to steal, kill and destroy.
Always remember who the real enemy is so that you are not tempted to pick up hurts, anger, offenses and wounds. Deliverance and consistent renewing of the mind will allow you forgive people when they hurt you which be will be essential for permanent freedom.
Ultimately, as you grow stronger by becoming more spiritually mature, you will be able to actively resist the devil so he will flee permanently from your life without the need for a deliverance minister.
Demons fall into several categories. These include: unclean spirits, seducing spirits, familiar spirits and witchcraft spirits. All of these can and will work together. They can enter in through all sin committed against you (rape/generational and bloodline curses, abuse, etc.). They can also enter in through all sin committed by you (promiscuity, addictions, vows, worldliness, etc.).
The types and numbers of demons that can infect a person depend on several factors. For instance, demons hate marriage/family and especially prey on dysfunctional families. They will take advantage of various types of abuse and situations such as fatherless and motherless homes, traditions like celebrating Halloween and religious traditions such as the worship of Mary in Catholicism.
Huge demonic entry points include the following: world religions, new age philosophy (yoga and guided meditation), the occult such as horoscopes and tarot cards, Christian churches (kundalini) secret societies, including freemasonry, fraternities and sororities, music, movies, cartoons (Disney), TV, video games, books, items in the home (see teaching on Occult Objects in The Home), unforgiveness (see Miracle List), murder (such as abortion), suicidal thoughts, tattoos, blood vows, all drugs to include pharmaceuticals and sexual perversion (rape, multiple partners, having sex out of marriage, orgies, incest, pedophilia, bisexuality, homosexuality, porn, adultery, escort services, prostitution, masturbation, sodomy and oral sex).
Demons can also have territorial rights such as in a poltergeist or a haunted house situation or even over a region or country.
One of the primary goals of a deliverance minister is to use their anointing, expertise and discernment to help you find out what type and how many spirits you are being tormented and afflicted by that need to be cast out.
There are many different reasons people don’t know they have demons. Scripture gives us many clues. Hosea 4:6 (KJV) says: “My people are destroyed because they have rejected knowledge.” Isaiah 5:13 (KJV) says: “My people are gone into captivity because they have no knowledge.
Unfortunately many Christians fall into one of these two categories. 1. Either they reject knowledge that they can be infected with demons (mind, soul and body). 2. Or, they have no knowledge that they can be infected with demons (mind, body and soul).
Basically Christians are either deceived or ignorant.
Deceived Christians are under the false assumption that it is impossible to have demons once they become born again, therefore rejecting truth. Ignorant Christians are under the false assumption that they cannot have demons because the effects of their past sin cannot carry over into their born again life, therefore lacking knowledge.
Not understanding the above can also lead naive Christians to sin through new age practices like yoga, medicinal marijuana, getting a “so-called” Christian tattoo, and other sin without realizing it. This can open huge doors for satan to steal, kill and destroy.
Unfortunately, the typical lukewarm, Christian experience teaches us to rely heavily on our salvation prayers, church attendance and Bible studies to get away with not confronting the need for deliverance. Because of this, deliverance is not taught or provided in many Christian settings.
You must realize that the devil doesn’t care that you are born again, attend church and speak in tongues. He will use any legal ground, he can find to gain entry into your life. Read James 4: 1-10 (AMP) and John 5:14.
The bible tells us in Romans 6:23, that the wages of sin is death. It does not say the wages of sin for the non-Christian is death. Nor does it say that the wages of sin is spiritual death only, which is total separation from God for eternity in hell once we die.
Becoming saved or born again is only the first step in becoming “Christ-like.” God’s grace and unmerited favor, through your free-will confession in His Son, Jesus Christ permanently shut the door to spiritual death (separation from God in eternity) once and for all.
But, we must keep in mind that there are still penalties from committing any and all sin (to include past, present and future sin) that the enemy is still authorized to use against us in order to continue to steal, kill and destroy. (Jn. 10:10) This is where scriptures such as James 5:16; James 5:14, James 4:7-10, and Galatians 6:7 become imperative for the believer to understand regarding healing and deliverance.
As believers, it is reassuring to know that we serve a merciful God who has already forgiven our sins (past tense) and will continue to fully forgive all of our sins, (present and future tense). But it is naive and ignorant to believe that there will not be consequences here on earth for sin. We must have an understanding of the spiritual laws that have been established by a Sovereign and Holy God such as the law of sowing and reaping. Hosea 4:6 warns us that lack of this type of spiritual knowledge and understanding will keep us in captivity unable to appropriate all of the promises and blessings of God for our lives. See our blog: The Wages of Sin
Can I get rid of demons thru counseling, reading the Bible, church, psychotherapy, medication, a positive attitude, religious rituals, AA, NA, shock treatment, retreats & cleansing programs, hypnosis, meditating, exercising, or self-help?
No. Once you become oppressed by demon spirits they will never leave until you are dead or until you come under submission and Lordship of Jesus Christ by the renewing your mind and receiving deliverance. Only the Holy Ghost can drive demon spirits out with the Blood of Christ.
He is your only hope.
Inner healing techniques are becoming very popular in Christian circles to fill in the spiritual gap of people who are struggling mentally, physically and emotionally. Sozo is one specific type of inner healing ministry that initiated out of a well-known mega church in Redding, CA. It was modeled after spiritual practices observed during certain revivals.
The word “sozo” in the Greek literally means to save and deliver. While this is scriptural, many of the techniques used are controversial because they are based on new age philosophies which can include guided visualization and meditation. One instructor affiliated with a, so-called christian ministry, refers to SOZO as a deep massage for the soul.
SOZO ministry aims to get to the roots or blockages hindering the individual’s personal connection with God. While SOZO can appear to be a unique and viable avenue of healing and breakthrough, it is biblically nothing more than deliverance “lite.” Most inner healing techniques do not believe in casting out the spirits or demons that are causing the torment.
Jesus never did inner healing techniques on the people he was ministering to. He did, however, cast out spirits and demons. Inner healing should always be looked at as a direct byproduct of casting out demonic spirits through deliverance and renewing the mind through the Word of God.
What do demons fear the most?
There are three things demons fear most:
1. The Holy Spirit. He is the only person they truly fear. He has the Blood of Christ, the Power of Jesus, the Cross of Christ and the Word of God. He is omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent.
2. The second thing demons fear most is a born again believer who intimately knows the Holy Ghost and the authority and power they have through Him.
3. Lastly, demons fear that a born again Christian, such as yourself, will find out the truth regarding the ministry of deliverance and healing in order to seek it out just like the woman with the issue of blood. The Word of God says that you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.
The demons fear any person who will truly repent from their sin with a broken and contrite heart and take responsibility for their life and spiritual maturity in order to be healed and delivered from demons.
Jesus is the only answer. He is the only true Healer and Deliverer. (Ps. 34:18, 51:17, 147:3; II Cron. 7:14; Isa. 61:1; Lk. 4:18).
Who needs deliverance?
The short answer is that every believer can benefit from going through deliverance. In general, deliverance can be extremely powerful and transformational when someone is unable to gain the victory over some area of their life through one or more of the following: repeated prayer, reading the Bible, extensive counseling, fasting and more.
I've Recently been through deliverance. Can I lose my deliverance?
Many people who are delivered from spirits become re-infected! It can be avoided by building an intimate relationship with Christ by the power of the Holy Ghost through the Word of God. Healing and deliverance are not a “cure-all.” You MUST renew your mind to find and fulfill your destiny. You must be pro-active & aggressive.
Go to the resources tab and follow the post-deliverance instructions to keep your deliverance.
What are some examples of demonic strongholds?
There can be a demonic stronghold in a person’s life when they are unable to gain or keep victory in an area of their life in spite of trying to do all the “right” biblical things. Examples of strongholds include depression, extreme fear or panic attacks, paranoias, addictions, perversions (chronic masturbation, homosexuality, child molestation, pornography and more), fear, lying, guilt, shame and much more.
A stronghold is simply an unhealthy mindset that continually torments the mental and emotional state of a believer, stealing their ability to trust God’s unconditional love, goodness and mercy towards them. Other examples of strongholds a believer can have include: doubting their salvation, giving their life to Christ more than once, constantly feeling condemned and guilty about their past, being in a perpetual state of chronic negative thinking or over-thinking, feeling double-minded, and being in a continuous state of fear, causing doubt and unbelief.
While the majority of theses strongholds must be demolished through a consistent renewing of the mind, many times these chronic and continuous negative mindsets and beliefs create a type of mind control that will not allow a person to understand or interpret scripture correctly in order to be set free. This can make the tormenting situation even worse leading them “away” from reading the Bible.
Meeting with an experienced deliverance minister or even a biblically sound counselor can play a vital role in order to begin the process of healing and deliverance.
What are "symptoms" of demonic influence?
You will have symptoms just like you would from a medical condition diagnosed by a physician. Symptoms from spirits typically include physical illnesses with multiple and conflicting diagnosis, weird personality disorders that never leave, odd nightmares, repetitive bad dreams, unexplained depression, chronic addictions (food, drugs, porn, medications, video games, gambling, sex), uncontrolled periods of rage, lust & cursing, chronic dysfunction in relationships, arrogance & pride, phobias, paranoias and illogical stress conditions, spiritual apathy, chronic negative thinking, inability to love or receive love, lifestyle disruptions, chronic broken relationships, divorce, frequent unemployment & job hopping, sporadic church attendance, lack of compassion for the lost, narcissism, self-hatred, church hopping and self-centered lifestyles.
It depends. Each person’s case is totally different. For instance, in the area of health, if you are dealing with a diagnosis of sickness (cancer/diabetes/heart) that has a spiritual or generational root, deliverance would be able to break it’s hold so that you can be healed without having to live in fear and hopelessness. Unfortunately, most Christians will never know enough about deliverance to desire to want to seek deliverance. Instead, they will rely heavily on secular answers to fix their spiritual issues. Most people have been culturally and traditionally conditioned to seek doctors, psychologists and new age practitioners (reiki, acupuncture, medicinal marijuana, meditation, yoga) to deal with sickness, pain, anxiety, fear, depression and other types of mental and physical illness. In most cases, these illnesses are spiritually rooted and can only be dealt with and healed through deliverance. Keep in mind, just because Christians don’t get deliverance doesn’t mean the demons go away on their own. They simply go dormant. This is why so many Christians will continue to backslide and struggle, unable to fully operate in the fruit and gifts of the Spirit, ultimately hindering their ability to establish God’s perfect will for their lives.
The short answer is no. The bible calls deliverance “the children’s bread.” Children meaning, children of God. To become a child of God you must fully surrender your entire life under the Lordship of Jesus Christ in order to become born again and indwelled with the Holy Spirit.
Jn. 1:12 describes this qualification beautifully. “To all who have received Him, those who believe in His Name, He has given the right to become His children.” The bible calls this becoming born again. Only then, can the The Holy Spirit set up home in your spirit man in order to transform you into His image.
The Holy Ghost will not indwell anyone who is not born again. (Jn. 3:3-8; 2Tim 2:19; Acts 1:8; 1 Cor. 3:16). It is only by the power of the Holy Spirit under the authority and Lordship of Jesus Christ and by His name alone, that demons will flee.
Being a born again, spirit-filled Christian is the only thing that authorizes deliverance. The very first step in attaining spiritual victory over the enemy is to put all of your faith and trust in the Only One who can deliver you.
Please reach out to us on the contact page tab of this website so that we can pray with you when you are ready to make Jesus Christ your Lord and Deliverer.
Deliverance has gotten a bad rap in the church for many reasons. One is Hollywood’s extreme portrayal of it in movies like the Exorcist and the Conjuring. Another reason is that the devil has easily convinced the church that deliverance is no longer necessary once they become born again.
This is because it doesn’t understand 2 important terms: Carryover and Backsliding. (See Q&A to understand more). Deliverance also requires repentance, something the church rarely teaches on, as described in the NT, James 4:6-10 (Please see AMP version).
Additionally, the enemy has strategically inundated us with too many distractions and alternatives that continually offer a wide array of solutions to our problems making God’s word of no effect. Why would Christians desire to seek deliverance when every time they feel anxious, they can pop a pill. When they are struggling emotionally, they can go see a shrink. If they get cancer, they can burn it, cut it or medicate it.
Unfortunately, many churches have also become way too seeker friendly in an attempt to fit in with modern culture. Because this type of watered down, lukewarm, feel good church is thriving, the body of Christ as a whole is paying an extremely high price for its ignorance and avoidance of deliverance and healing.
The sad result is that many Christians are becoming casualties of war(fare).
Carryover occurs when a person is infected with spirits before they get saved and they carry the spirits into their Christian life in the same way a person who is sick carries their illness into their Christian life. Just because someone gets saved does not mean they automatically get healed and delivered. The same is true of demons. Just because a person gets saved does not mean they automatically get delivered from spirits. Simon the Sorcerer in Acts 8 is a textbook example of having CARRYOVER spirits. He was born again and experienced water baptism, he was following Phillip and desired the Holy Spirit but retained many demonic qualities (greed) because he did not go through deliverance after he was saved. (From Mike Smith at Hardcore Christianity).
Backsliding simply means to revert back to sin or wrongdoing. It is the most common reason why a Christian will remain tormented by spirits. The gospel in North America and Europe is so watered down that the majority of all Christians backslide at some point in their Christian walk.
For example, Billy Graham used to lose at least 85% of his new converts to backsliding. He admitted it was about 90% in a TV interview. This often happens because new and existing believers sit in churches unaware that deliverance is part of their inheritance.
When someone backslides they can end up worse than they were before they were saved (Mt. 12; Lk. 11). If they go back to drugs, sex, rock & roll and their old sinful and worldly life, the demons have legal access to them thru the doctrine of sowing and reaping (Gal. 6:7-9). When they continually turn their back on God by deliberately sinning, the evil spirits gain more access into their life, causing a wide range of sometimes serious, physical, mental and emotional issues.
The simple answer is yes. Demonic deception is rampant in many churches. Keep in mind, there is nothing new under the sun. Satan has been using church and religion for thousands of years to deceive mankind.
Demons frequent churches just as much as they frequent nightclubs. Because the devil hates God, he therefore especially hates those who desire to follow, love, worship and serve God. So, he will use his demons to infect churches in several ways. Music is one of them. Another way is to preach and promote specific religious doctrines as the right and best way to know God.
Unfortunately, all of the “flavor of the month” religions have given satan’s kingdom a significant advantage to leaven and weaken the church as a whole.
For instance, someone can be raised in a good Catholic home, seeking God with all of their heart, while being traditionally indoctrinated by false beliefs (such as worship of Mary and baby water baptism). Then, when the person leaves home to go out on their own in order to start their own family, it is strongly assumed that this person will raise the next generation under the same religious doctrine and value system.
This is an example of how a familiar spirit can follow and proceed through an entire family tree.
Without biblical knowledge and understanding of God’s Word, people will only continue to fall prey to more and more deception as they continue to stay indoctrinated by one of the many religious denominations.
Please be aware that massive deception operates in all religions. To include: Catholicism, Protestantism, Baptist, Methodist, Mormonism Lutheran, Seventh Day Adventist, Jehovah Witness, Muslim and many others.
This is why it is often difficult to witness to these people regarding God’s Word because they have been heavily influenced and indoctrinated over time. Satan has been able to leaven them through deception.
Jesus cautioned us in Galatians 5:9 AMP version by saying: ‘A little leaven [a slight inclination to error, or a few false teachers] leavens the whole batch [it perverts the concept of faith and misleads the church].
The Bible explicitly warns of deception in these last days, so we must use discernment at all times. Even when it comes to the “so called” new movements and semi-cults that are becoming extremely popular today such as the Charismatic/Pentecostal, NRA and Word of Faith movements. These too must be examined for error and counterfeit lying signs and wonders.
We simply cannot find a church by some denominational name or by craving a place to belong or to get caught up in “experiences and encounters.” with God. We must be able to accurately divide the Word of God by understanding scripture so that we do not come under the influence of seducing spirits and doctrines of demons as warned about in scripture. (1 Tim. 4:1).
Paul warned the Galatian church about being bewitched by false teaching in chapter 3:1. (Also read 2 Corinthians 11:4)
The devil knew exactly what he was doing when he created all of these false religions and belief systems. His goal has always been to divide and conquer the church.
The rule of thumb regarding church is simple: Know Jesus through His Word, first and He will help you find a solid and mature church. As opposed to only knowing “about” Jesus through a church and never fully understanding His Word.
Unfortunately, this is a common problem in many marriages where either one spouse or the other will decide to go through deliverance while the other does not (yet).
First, it is imperative to remember that most marriages were not arranged by God to begin with. Sadly, spirits from childhood dysfunction, rejection, religion, rebellion, fornication, lust, alcohol, drugs, low self-esteem and insecurity chose many of our spouses.
Now, with that, God has promised in His word that He will make all things work together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His will and purpose (Rms. 8:28). This includes unequally yoked and problematic marriages.
First, we must remember that the spirits in us were attracted to and chose the spirits in our spouse. This truth will allow you to see things from a spiritual viewpoint so you don’t take offenses, get mad or even hurt when your spouse does not meet your spiritual expectations.
Please keep in mind that your spouse does not have to be ready to receive deliverance just because you are. His lack of deliverance will also not hinder your deliverance unless you take in offenses.
The bible tells us to work out our own relationship with God, first, with fear and trembling. This perspective will enable you to treat your marriage situation carefully and lovingly. See your husband through the lens of scripture at all times so that you do not end up pushing your spouse further away from the deliverance.
Instead of trying to convince, push or prod your spouse or anybody else for that matter towards deliverance, it would be more wise and fruitful for you to do as 1 Pet 3:1-2 instructs: Allow your changed life through deliverance to overflow through your respectable and loving attitude so that eventually he will decide to pick your fruit instead of you having to shove it down his throat.
Absolutely yes! In fact, it is much easier for a child to experience deliverance over an adult because they have an innocence and purity that has not been stained by years of sin and unbelief. The only caution is that the same rules and conditions apply for their deliverance as does ours. Please keep in mind that it will be absolutely crucial that both parents (whenever possible) are in full agreement regarding their child’s deliverance because they will have the most influential authority over the child to assure that spirit entry points stay closed and locked. This is why it is always wise for the parents to start and continue their deliverance, first, before they engage their children in the process so the outcome yields long lasting and permanent results for the entire family.
Your full involvement in the entire process of deliverance will be key to your success. This will include education, knowledge, understanding, and support. This is why Mountain Movers was birthed. We strategically created a deliverance hub so that each woman feels safe, strengthened, and encouraged in order to complete her deliverance.
Here are three things you can do immediately that will help you to move mountains in your life. 1. For starters, please join our private Facebook page. This private community will be invaluable by helping you to connect with amazing women going through deliverance like you. The page also has incredible moderators, (overseers of the page), that are available to serve you in any way possible. They understand deliverance because they have been through and continue to go through deliverance. The FB community will offer live teachings via FB lives and provide incredible content. It will also be a wonderful resource for answering questions and offering prayer and encouragement. 2. Please subscribe to the Be a Mountain Mover newsletter. You can do that at the bottom of this page. The newsletter is sent every Tuesday evening and will also have fantastic information regarding upcoming news and events. 3. Please come back to this website frequently so that you can enjoy free resources and content. You will also be able to book your very own one-on one appointment with a deliverance minister. Everything to prepare you for your deliverance can also be found on our resource page.
Absolutely not! Jesus commanded us in His Word; “Freely I have given you, freely give.” Jesus never charged any money for healing and deliverance. Be A Mountain Mover gratefully accepts donations. Thank you in advance! We believe that if you are being served, then your desire to give back is an easy response. God has commanded us to be joyful givers, not obligated givers. 100 percent of all donations go directly back into the ministry in order to help fund the enormous work it takes to run it. Simply put, 100 percent of what you donate goes directly into the Kingdom of God.