Carlyn LaCaze
Carlyn LaCaze grew up in an urban area of South Florida. She was raised in the all too common "dysfunctional home." There were many open doors including addiction, rejection, worldliness, and abuse.
Her parents were "good people" they just did not know the truth of the word of God or the reality of the spiritual realm.
She remembers chronic anxiety as young as 4 years old. By high school, she was a full-blown alcoholic and daily marijuana user. She became heavily involved with a street gang, they spent their days ditching school, conjuring up ways to get high and drunk, and getting into criminal mischief. She became a runaway, pregnant at 17, a high school dropout, and married by 18. She gave birth to a wonderful little boy who she loved very much. Unfortunately, the marriage was very toxic and did not last. When the relationship ended, she was devastated and went off the deep end, diving deep into addiction.
The next 8 years were a revolving door of, severe alcoholism, depression, giving up custody of her child, insanity, suicide attempts, psych units, mental health medications, strip clubs, street drugs, abusive relationships, beatings, rapes, kidnappings, prostitution, jails, rehabs, and more.
She cried out to God many times along the way. In 2009 the reality of hell and the demonic realm was revealed to her in dreams while she was strapped to a bed in a mental ward. During this stay at the hospital, the Lord answered her cry and connected her to ministry that taught about deliverance. It wasn't easy, she had to press in and fight hard to get free. Even without the drugs and alcohol, she was an emotional wreck. It did not happen overnight. It took commitment, discipline, and a lot of time looking in the mirror. She had to show God and the demons that she was serious about getting free.
Today she stands 12 years sober, as a New Creation in Christ. She has been completely set free and delivered from all mind-altering substances by the power of the Holy Ghost. She has been given a second chance at life and has been happily married to a man of God for 8 years. Together they get to raise their 7-year-old son in a loving and Godly home.
It has been her lifelong passion to help women get free from mental illness and addiction. When the Lord connected her to Melissa Taft and Mountain Movers it was the missing piece to the puzzle. The powerful truth and revelation she has received through Mountain Movers have helped to reveal even deeper hidden areas within, where healing and deliverance needed to take place. She is still actively pursuing her healing and deliverance and is honored to serve on the Mountain Movers Ministry Team. She is looking forward to using her experience to help other women get set free and become mighty warriors for Christ.