For as long as I can remember, I have held grudges otherwise known as offense, some seeming small and casual while other grudges were bigger and hidden, buried deep inside my heart. I would forgive them and bless them but still wouldn’t feel totally free.

That feeling in the pit of my stomach would still bubble up sometimes. This is an area where I have battled and felt defeated. I have attended almost every ZOOM teaching/deliverance and I’m working through the Miracle List but was feeling discouraged that nothing seemed to be happening.

Then on November 3, 2020 Melissa Taft was teaching on Spiritual Roots and it was like the curtains got pulled back and I began to see how deeply rooted the spirit of offense was in my family. I got angry at the devil and began to renounce and break the power of family patterns of offense, bitterness, anger, etc. and also asking the Lord for forgiveness.

In the teaching Melissa said “forgiveness isn’t something you FEEL, forgiveness is something you DO,” and I literally felt something break inside of me and I began to cry and repent for holding un-forgiveness, bitterness, and for keeping a record of other’s wrongs when God has forgiven me of SO MUCH.

As the tears rolled, I crumbled and began to wretch and cough for quite a bit. Melissa hadn’t even started to pray for deliverance yet. This is how merciful our God is!

I am so thankful for the encouragement and community of Mountain Movers! I look forward to the day when I can say that I have been delivered of 100% of fibromyalgia! I want to walk in the purpose and plan that God has for my life.


