sylvia D.

Hello, my beautiful sisters in Christ. Mountain Mover’s and its incredible community have truly been a blessing and game-changer in my life. After being introduced to healing and deliverance in 2017 at the age of fifty-two years, I met Melissa three years later. This was the “game-changer part” because I quickly recognized that I hadn’t had much support and follow-up, which left me feeling stuck, making many mistakes.

After working with Melissa intimately through deliverance and mentorship, she spoke the truth with clarity and set short-term goals for me. She informed me it wasn’t going to be easy, but I was determined to learn and remain teachable.

I’ve also prioritized attending many of the Wednesday night calls, since the inception of the ministry, realizing that deliverance is a “lifestyle” and “journey” for those of us who truly desire to pursue permanent freedom.

There has been healing from layers of deep-seated hurts and soul wounds, resulting from verbal, mental, emotional, verbal, and physical abuse caused by my mother who was an ultra-feminist giving birth to me out of wedlock. I’ve realized, through my own personal journey, that my mother was terribly wounded and broken herself. Her younger brother was also in a very broken place as he began to sexually abuse me at the age of three. Needless to say, my sin compounded because of all the dysfunction I was born into and the enemy used everything he could to steal, kill, and destroy.

Since being involved in this ministry, I’ve been healed and delivered from anger, fear, soul wounds, allergies, diagnosed and undiagnosed diseases, infirmities, false doctrine, and layers and layers of religion.

After all these years, I’m finally experiencing real freedom within my life and even continuing to experience new levels of freedom the longer I stay committed to this process.

I won’t say I have it all figured out. Currently, I am battling residual areas in my life which require intention and obedience at another level. This includes areas in my marriage because my husband, Adam, isn’t born-again…. yet. Since we recently became empty-nesters, I’m seeking my Abba Father for inner healing within our marriage.

I don’t know what the outcome is going to be, only God knows, as I’m learning to trust Him at a deeper level. However, whatever the outcome, I know God has me in the palm of His hand. The mercy of my Abba Father has brought me this far, I know He will never leave me or forsake me.

As a former long distance runner, I will end by sharing that growing in spiritual maturity and wisdom has become my best race yet. I plan to finish this race strong, and I can’t wait to place my crown at the feet of my King Jesus one day and hear the words, “Well done good and faithful servant” Matt. 25:23; Psalm 71


Renee A.