tanya n.

Holy Spirit led me to Mountain Movers in early March of 2023, and I chose to reach out as I had been struggling with a life of cycles. I would seek God, it would go well for a time, and then I would fall into sin somewhere, and I’d beat myself up and condemn myself for knowing better but not being/doing better. I had gotten a hold of some biblical truths already, that promised life more abundantly here on Earth, and I wanted that for myself, but I didn’t know how to live it. I also didn’t have a spiritually mature Christian friend or pastor to turn to.

When I reached out to Mountain Movers, they welcomed me and invited me to join the Wednesday night Zoom calls, which I started attending that week. I showed up late because it was the week before the time change, lol, but Carlyn was teaching that night on things that sabotage your deliverance. Religion was one of them, and it resonated with me.

Shortly after, Melissa and I set up a call to meet, and throughout our conversation, she was saying things that I kept thinking, 'Yup, that’s right, that’s it, uh-huh, wow.' She gave me several suggestions on how to begin my deliverance journey through renewing my mind that I immediately started doing. And I really haven’t looked back since.

I’m only at the beginning of this journey, and already it’s made a huge difference in my life. I don’t find myself struggling with the same things as before, and as I keep pursuing the truth and really knowing it, I know I will be completely set free and stay that way. Goodbye endless death cycles and hello endless freedom!

Thank you, Mountain Movers!


tina C.


Suzan P.