How I Beat My Supplement Addiction

By Melissa Taft

One morning while in the kitchen in the midst of my usual morning routine, I heard an almost audible voice of God ask me a simple question: “Do you trust me?”

This took me by surprise as I related to what Peter must have felt when he was asked by Jesus after his betrayal, “Do you love me?”

Like Peter, I answered, “Yes Lord, of course I do.” Immediately, He directed my attention to two large cabinets on the left-hand side of the kitchen next to the pantry and asked me to open them.

As I did, I realized in that moment that I had been lying to myself, and to God, all along. The sad reality was that I did not trust Him the way I had convinced myself I did.

You see, in that cabinet was my shrine of literally hundreds of dollars of vitamins, pills, protein shakes, powders and youth potions. They had played such a significant role in my health and wellness regimen for so long that I didn’t even realize how they had become a stronghold in my life.

You might be thinking how something as innocent as desiring to be fit and healthy can create a stronghold so understanding the definition of a stronghold can put things in better perspective. Simply put:

A stronghold is anything that has more power and influence over you other than God.

Another definition from defines a stronghold as a place where a cause of belief is strongly defended or upheld. In the Greek, a stronghold can be translated as a prison.  

In that moment, I realized that I was a self-absorbed, health addict, living in a prison ruled by fear, control and idolatry and I didn’t even know it.

Then, the Lord convicted me that I was also being double-minded. Even though I had been studying and meditating on healing being atoned for and provided in Jesus Christ, I was still hedging my bet, my way, just in case God didn’t come through.

God even lovingly reminded me of past arguments I had allowed in my marriage by defending my position, (one of the very definitions of stronghold that I shared above) for the $700 monthly supplement budget I required. At that time, Ryan and I were trying to get out of debt and also save for a house. I had no idea that I was actually working against our goals in marriage instead of towards them. I was literally sabotaging the blessings God wanted to give us.

I had been walking by my own fleshly ways and wisdom for so long that I had become insensitive to the spirit of God, and by default, was keeping the very things I desired most from God from happening in my life. Most importantly of all, I was eroding my ability to believe and trust God. In that moment, I realized that if I couldn’t trust God in an area like my health, then I certainly wouldn’t be able to trust Him in other areas of my life either.

That morning in the kitchen, I decided to make a very radical decision after the Lord spoke to me. I repented with all of my heart for all the things I could think of relating to my health and fitness addiction. Yes, part of repentance is calling it for what it is. Then, before I could change my mind, I grabbed a trash bag out of the pantry and began to clean out my kitchen cabinets.

If I am being perfectly honest, it was not easy. I struggled a lot as I calculated the copious amounts of money and time that I wasted over the years allowing myself to be gullibly lured and deceived by marketing ploys.

The enemy tried to convince me that I was being extreme and that it would be understandable if I decided to go ahead and finish using everything I had purchased so as not to be wasteful. But again, God reminded me “that there is a way which seems right to a woman and appears straight before her but it’s end is the end of death.” (Prov. 14:12)

If I wanted this stronghold to be completely destroyed, then I had to do things His way, not my way. Being obedient to God is not always easy. For me, it was a constant tug-of-war between my spirit and flesh that was challenging me in every way possible. That morning, as I continued to throw away bottle after bottle and container after container in the trash, God was graciously teaching me a precious and valuable lesson in my kitchen of all places: The more I continue to submit to Him and heed His voice, the more clearly and perfectly I will be able to hear Him.

Today, almost 13 years later, I am excited to share that the stronghold is broken and I now have a new health regimen that is anchored in Proverbs 4:20-22:

My daughter, pay attention to my words and be willing to learn; open your ears to my sayings. Do not let them escape from your sight. Keep them in the center of your heart. For they are life to those who find them, and healing and health to all of their flesh.”

God’s Word promises every believer that His Word, alone, can be the only health routine and health insurance they will ever need. And even though I still take supplements on occasion, they are no longer my source for health and well-being. God is my source. He is my Deliverer from any stronghold and the only True and Perfect Healer. The added bonus is that I also have a lot more cabinet space.

May I lovingly inspire and challenge you to have an honest conversation with the Holy Ghost right now regarding any area in your life where you are not fully trusting God. Ask Him earnestly to show you why. I trust that He will reveal some type of stronghold that needs to be dealt with. If you allow Him, He will help you demolish it once and for all. It might require you to make a drastic, Holy Spirit led decision like it did with me, but God will continue to strengthen you in the process in order to bless you for your radical obedience.

Also, when it becomes a little more difficult than you realize and you need prayer. encouragement or deliverance, Mountain Movers is always here to serve you.    
