Christian women, friends, sisters…here is a truth bomb to start this blog:

If you are practicing yoga, you are playing in the occult.

There! I said it!

Many years ago, as a woman who loved God and His word with all my heart, I was led astray by what I call an “angel of light” called yoga. On my quest for a higher level of health and fitness, I decided to partake in a 90-day hot yoga challenge also known as Bikram yoga. My desires were innocent like many Christian woman seeking to take care of their temple. I simply wanted more flexibility, range of motion, relaxation, and detoxification.

Because I was a Christian, I decided to quote scripture during each yoga posture as a form of worship to my Father. I mean, that should make yoga ok, right? (Insert sarcasm) 

Over time, as you can imagine, my stamina, strength, posture, mood and even the back of my thighs all benefited tremendously. I felt great! I felt “awakened.”

After completing the challenge, I decided to continue practicing and mastering all of the various postures in the comfort of my own home. You could say I was hooked.

One day, out of the blue, I started to feel the symptoms of fibromyalgia attack my body. For those who know me well, I have spent the better part of my life studying various ways of achieving optimal health and also helping other women to do the same. I also understood under-lying causes of auto-immune disorders such as fibromyalgia from my years of studying the spiritual roots of many diseases.

What I couldn’t figure out is how and why someone as healthy and fit as myself was beginning to experience excruciating pain that came on suddenly without any warning or trigger. One day as I was praying, I heard the Holy Spirit give me a warning loud and clear. He said to my heart: “Stop doing yoga, it’s making you sick.”

You can imagine after I just shared all the benefits I personally experienced over the course of my journey, that I actually couldn’t believe it was God speaking to me. I thought it was the enemy.

I looked and felt fantastic, better than I had in years, so I ignored the voice and kept going.

Two weeks later I experienced a severe attack that left my upper body numb and immobile for several days. I had no choice but to stop everything. I laid on heating pads, took Advil, which I’m not a fan of, and tried to figure out what the heck was happening to me.

Again, during this time, I heard the Holy Spirt give me the exact same warning; “Stop doing yoga, it’s making you sick.”

I argued with Him and said “But I’m quoting scripture. I’m worshiping you while I’m in the poses. It doesn’t make any sense to me. Please show me.” I told God I would stop entirely during this time. I also repented (changed my attitude) and I begin to seek His truth on the subject instead of trying to reason or justify my own way.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge and recognize Him and He will direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes. Fear the Lord (respect Him with total obedience) and turn entirely away from evil. It will be health to all of your body and refreshment and physical well- being to your bones.”

Proverbs 3:5-8

God was telling me that I was dabbling in evil through the occult practice of yoga. I didn’t listen because I was acknowledging my own ways. Forget the fact that yoga means to “be yoked with.” In yoga you are yoking yourself to Hindu Gods through positions which worship and submit to those Gods. Here’s the thing...As soon as I stopped leaning on my own understanding, and obeyed God (meaning I quit doing yoga), all the symptoms went away!

God gave me loads of scripture and a tremendous amount of revelation that confirmed how and why so many beautiful, faith filled women of God are constantly deceived by so called “angels of light.” These include various things in addition to yoga such as diets, pills, fads, and trends that disguise themselves as things that look good, sound good, and feel good. They deliver what the flesh craves most: instant gratification wrapped in a package of empty promises that send women into captivity.

The sole purpose of the enemy is to lead us astray without us ever catching on to the truth that the very things we’re doing are the very things that are hurting us the most. The enemy counts on the fact that we are vulnerable and gullible. He’s also counting on the fact that we are ignorant of God’s word, our only true weapon against him. We must be aware of his schemes daily so that we can resist him.

As I conclude, I want to make a couple of points very clear.

  1. Yoga, in and by itself, is not the root cause of fibromyalgia. There are many other spiritual roots involved regarding all disease and disorders which I don’t have time to discuss on this post. You can email me at for more information or if you have questions.

  2. I’m also not saying that if you do yoga or have practiced it in the past that you will end up with an auto-immune disorder. However, what I am clearly saying is that dabbling in anything that God considers evil, such as any occult practice, opens us up spiritually to attacks from the enemy.

Ladies, always keep in mind that there are consequences regarding anything we do, or in my case do not do. As mature women of God, it is imperative that we stay continually humble and fully surrendered to the voice of discipline and correction from our loving Father so that He can keep us out of harm’s way.

The word reminds us that even if it seems right and even feels right to us in the natural, there will always be a price to pay in the supernatural because our way will always lead to destruction.

Trying to justify why we continue to do something under the guise of “what’s the big deal?” is nothing other than pure disobedience. This is called sin even if we are naïve or even ignorant of it at the time.

The good news is that God’s mercy to forgive, heal and restore us is always available to us when we repent and accept God’s correction joyfully.

Remember, correction keeps us healthy and being healthy allows you to move more mountains!


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