I am profoundly humbled by the Lord's incredible goodness and His unwavering fight on my behalf. He has answered a prayer, and I am fully convinced that He has brought Mountain Movers into my life. It is absolutely vital, and I emphasize this –a matter of life or death –to have a group of believers surrounding you, providing support, teaching, and challenging you to persevere toward the divine call that God has placed upon your life. This is the path to avoid remaining in a state of mediocrity, and it'sa way out of the cycle of consistently feeling wounded and defeated.

If you can relate to this experience, then I wholeheartedly encourage you to consider becoming a part of this Ministry. I offer praise to God for the wisdom, strength, and courage that He has bestowed upon these incredible ladies. I wholeheartedly embrace God's promise for my life.


leslie h.


Arianna L.