leslie h.

I met Melissa one afternoon after discussing my interest in seeking deliverance with my Pastor. Melissa and I immediately connected. She understood exactly what was happening in my life and why I kept facing the same challenges, going around the same mountains over and over.

Melissa suggested I dig into the Mountain Movers teachings on YouTube, and I did. Suddenly, everything began to click. I understood why I kept attracting narcissists and why my health wasn't that great.

You see, I'm a single mom,and I've had to be incredibly strong. I've had to literally fight for my life after an ex-boyfriend beat me to the verge of death on two separate occasions. During an operation to repair my ruptured esophagus, I passed away. I met Satan face to face and Jesus showed up, He came to give me another chance. This happened eight years ago, and I've never been the same, I've been fully sold out to following Jesus.

After the injuries I sustained through the abuse, I needed a feeding tube. The tube was taken out and put back in multiple times, but I never lost faith in receiving my healing from God. In May 2023, the feeding tube was finally removed once and for all, and now I stand stronger than ever in my belief on God's promises of healing, all thanks to Jesus Christ.

Something incredible happened during this last Zoom call, "How to Cast a Spirit of Infirmity Out of the Body." While attending this meeting I threw up 3 times. I hadn't eaten anything that could make me sick, I realized that this was deliverance! Iimmediately felt different and felt better than I had in a long time.

Today, my Pastor told me over and over that he noticed how great and even how much younger I looked. I am truly in awe of the powerful love the Holy Spirit has for us. He truly wants us to break free from everything that is holding us back.

If you need healing and deliverance or just a solid group of women who are sold out to Jesus, then this is right where you need to be.

I want to extend my gratitude to Mountain Movers for their unwavering dedication to the Christian community. Thank you for all the incredible work you do for the body of Christ.

I am so excited to finally be experiencing true healing and deliverance!


lisa e.
