lisa e.

Where do I even begin! I have experienced such freedom over this past week in my life. I also know more is coming!

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying: “insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Well, I will be vulnerable enough to share that this has represented a lot of my life! I literally have felt like I’ve been running around in circles for so long.

Not anymore!

The biggest change I’ve seen in my life since becoming involved with Mountain Movers, is that I have been praying-more! Not that I didn’t pray before, but Melissa did a powerful teaching about the watches of the night on YouTube. And because of it, I realized I wasn’t supposed to sleep the entire night!

I needed to be praying!

The next really cool thing I’ll share is that for the past 17 years, I’ve used all kinds of sleep aids -Benadryl, wine, CBD, because I couldn’t get to sleep easily, sleep through the night or sleep well.

This week I have been able to get to sleep without the use of a sleepaid!

This new freedom has given me the desire to get up and pray, all while experiencing God’s power to sustain me with energy! And as a result, this past week, I think I’ve prayed more during those watches of the night, than I’ve prayed in years!

Praise God!

When I was in my 20’s, I had hoped to be a speaker, a writer and a leader of women. Then marriage, kids and the changes of life came in to derail part of my destiny. Then when my husband died 4 1/2 years ago, I asked God now what?

The reply I heard was “speaker, writer, leader.”

So, now I finally feel like my life’s journey is finally taking a wonderful new turn and that the Lord is going to open up new opportunities for me that I have yet to discover. The biggest of which is gaining more freedom through deliverance from all the emotional baggage of the past, while not being led by my negative emotions regarding the present or the future.

I trust that in the Lord’s great economy, He will use me to help others, especially women, to experience that same freedom available to us all.

I am so grateful for these teachings and live calls from Mountain Movers. I feel like I am in school: learning, applying, growing and getting results as they continue to equip me!

Thank you Mountain Movers!


maria m.


leslie h.