maria m.

My name is Maria and I’m excited to be a testimony of God's greatness! These past 2 years have been a journey of healing discovering who God is and who I am in Christ. These past 2 months, in particular, have been unexpectedly enlightening.

Just recently, I had tested positive for Covid-19 and had all the usually horrific symptoms that accompany it: sore throat, dry cough, loss of taste and appetite, fever, difficulty breathing, tiredness, etc.

I am writing this to share the amazing and miraculous testimony of instant healing I received during one of the weekly, Wednesday evening, live zoom deliverance events. Yes, you read this correctly! I WAS INSTANTLY HEALED!!!

I can even tell you the exact moment it happened. Melissa was teaching on the topic of offense (click here for the teaching). At the very moment when Melissa said: “When you get offended, you step out of the spirit and into the flesh and this can hinder your immune system.” Then she continued by sharing scripture which confirmed: “The carnal mind becomes an enemy with God,” is when everything changed for me.

At that moment, I realized that I had not only been taking in some offenses during the last 2 weeks prior to becoming sick, but I had also been giving off offense as well. Whoa! That truth was powerful!

I immediately repented to God and at that exact moment, I could breathe better. The very next day, my fever and sore throat were gone along with all the other symptoms and my energy came back two-fold!

Thank you, Lord, for your faithful and loving discipline! And thank you Mountain Movers Ministry! Ladies, we serve the most High God! What are we afraid of?


rachel j.


lisa e.