rachel j.

I am beyond thankful for Mountain Movers Ministry and their amazing community. My good friend Ariana introduced me to the live, Wednesday night zoom deliverance events about two months ago and the impact they have had in my life has forever changed me.

Before I was saved in October of 2022, I was deeply involved in sexual sin and new age practices which let pride, ignorance and deception rule my life. Because of my past, it was very difficult for me to accept reproof, rebuke and correction but once I began to understand God’s love and grace through scripture, was I able to surrender it all to Him.

Since then, God has been removing the scales from my eyes. Coming to Mountain Movers has taught me that deliverance is more than just casting out demons. I am also receiving deliverance from the powerful and un-watered down truth of God’s Word being shared during the amazing group teachings and discipleship calls.

In the past, I’ve struggled with severe acne flare-ups and inability to sleep restfully but since myinvolvement with MM’s, I have received healing in both of these areas.

I praise God as I’ve only just begun my journey! This amazing community of women is helping me fully understand what it means to be a true follower of Jesus Christ in order to walk boldly as a believer.

As I share this testimony, I am actually visiting Brenda, one of the amazing members of the MM’s team, and am forever grateful for the continuous support and love I am receiving. I want to thank God and each and every one of you who havemade me feel safe and supported as I continue to grow in the Lord.


siana r.


maria m.