siana r.

I first found Mountain Movers on Isaiah Saldivar’s deliverance map. I had come out of a life of New Age practices that left me wide open for spiritual attacks once I decided to leave. I was under intense spiritual warfare since 2015 and would occasionally visit deliverance centers/ministers every now and then.

I tried reaching out to my home church at the time, but there was nothing they could do. At that time, I was aware that I needed personal deliverance services, but resources seemed few and far between. My Christian friends were not really able to relate because most don’t know about or understand deliverance.

For many years, I felt like I was getting nowhere, making very slow progress towards any true freedom, caught in an endless cycle of doing well, getting comfortable or slack, or messing up somehow, and then having to fast and pray to get spiritually even-keel again.

About a year and a half ago, I joined a group mentorship for women that focused a lot on deliverance. I was getting some good deliverance there and good teaching, but ultimately, I knew I needed more. God spoke to me one evening and told me eventually I would get with Mountain Movers. I resisted for a while as I waited for God to kind of give me the go-ahead. I was in contact with Melissa through various means -emails, texts, etcetera -kind of going back and forth.

I have been on the deliverance mountain for many years -fasting, praying, essentially on a cycle of repeat for 7 to 8 years, close to a decade. One day, the Lord asked me if I really wanted to know the truth, and I told Him yes. A month or so later, I found myself in another deliverance pit when I contacted Mountain Movers. Melissa offered me the opportunity to come under her mentorship. I signed up, and God moved at lightning speed!

During my first one-on-one session, Melissa's insight into my personal situation was spot on. When I had a meet-up with a bunch of the other amazing ladies at Mountain Movers, I experienced a massive deliverance from childhood abuse issues that had been permeating and holding me back in my spiritual walk. Ever since then, I have been delivered from massive kundalini, I've been sleeping better, and I am really, really enjoying the process of sitting under God and getting real truth.

My favorite part of all is that God has worked with my hard heart, and I have experienced real repentance for the first time. I really can't overstate how beautiful this is. It was a sweet breaking and just clearing out of the heart.

I highly recommend Mountain Movers. It's only been three weeks for me, and I'm looking forward to what the Lord has in store for me and this highly anointed ministry!


Suzan P.


rachel j.