Janise s.

I want to give thanks, first and foremost, to the Lord Jesus Christ who led me to Mountain Movers through my dear sister and friend Otisha. I had been seeking and praying to God for this exact type of ministry and community for quite some time. Right before Mountain Movers, I had been heavily involved with a very well- known and respected mega church. Unfortunately, I did not realize that they had been teaching a lot of false doctrine. Ultimately, after being offered an opportunity in their production department, I decided it was time to leave. When Otisha first invited me to Mountain Movers, I was overly skeptical and cautious. But I decided to stay open-minded because I was struggling in my new marriage, battling a lot of hurt and trauma from my past. I had so much pent-up rage and anger to the point that even the smallest things would set me off. I lived in a constant state similar to a ticking time bomb that was ready to explode at any time and on anyone who crossed me.

I am realizing, through my personal journey in Mountain Movers, that I have had a severe spirit of rejection that has plagued me all my life, causing most of these unhealthy emotions. Because I did not know this, the enemy was now using it in my marriage to make me feel very insecure. For the first time in my life, I am finally learning how to love myself, and by doing so, can finally learn how to love and accept my husband even when he hurts me or does not meet my expectations. Even though he also needs his own deliverance, I am learning to be a more patient and compassionate example of what is possible as I yield and surrender him to God. The Lord is also continuing to remind me to work on my own issues and struggles that I brought into my marriage. By doing so, I am choosing not to focus on all of his issues that try to get me into that mental space of taking an offense which opens me up to being hurt or angry towards him. I am also learning how to fight spiritually, pray more effectively and renew my mind more consistently with God’s Word.

Like most women, I’ve been involved in various women’s ministries and many of them seemed to center more on drama than on working together to see each other succeed. Mountain Movers is unique as it continued to provide a safe and powerful place for me to be vulnerable in order to continue to be healed and delivered. I feel encouraged and edified as I continue to grow in more truth as I continue to immerse myself in the phenomenal live zoom teachings that are also available on YouTube. (Cursed Objects click here). I am receiving a depth of knowledge and understanding that is bringing me more and more freedom. I feel like a religious veil is being continually lifted!

I want to encourage you that no matter what circumstances you face, where you come from or what you’ve gone through that Jesus Christ has paid it all and He desires that you simply surrender your heart and open your arms to receive His grace and love.

I am grateful to God for Melissa, a true mentor and servant who’s heart is entirely centered on helping women, like myself, position themselves in their true identity so that they can go out and fulfill their calling. With her counsel and selfless dedication, she is helping me go deeper in deliverance and healing in order to help me understand the roots of why I have been struggling in my Christian walk. 

Mountain Movers is a great illustration of how a true body of Christian women should operate and function together in a community. We need one another as we are called to build and encourage one another in order to become what Christ Jesus has called us to be.


Arianna L.


marissa n.