I’ve been working on getting my joy back since heroin took it. I literally had to fight and drag my way thru life for the past 12 years.

On the evening of June 5th, 2021 I felt, for the first time in years, the joy of living. I had the best night with my son, but I knew it’d be gone when I woke up. That being said, I started more intense deliverance and crying to Father to help me get back to the way I felt that night and before heroin.

I got two major deliverances before I went to Phoenix. This demon fought and tore at me screaming. In my head, it said, “You're weakening me I’m getting weaker.” Well, big ones (demons) came out and I felt better, but I knew the BIG demon didn’t come out.

I ended up going to Phoenix to do a live one-on-one with Melissa Taft. In that session, she got that big demon out of me...praise God!! I was about 90% set free. Life was so much easier to move thru and my relationship with my son is way better. I no longer dread playing with him nearly as much.

Recently, on the Mountain Mover zoom deliverance call, I puked more big ones out and felt that joy again. I woke up not dreading getting out of bed!!! Lord, you’re so good to me!!! I’m like 98% of the way healed and delivered!!! I’ve been waiting so long. Five years walking straight as I can with the Lord crying to him for help and he heard me.

My Lord, My Love. My heart overflows for him.




marie t.