marie t.

Hello ladies, my name is Marie Therese from Co. Limerick Ireland. I heard of Mountain Movers in September thanks to my daughter Siobhán and once again thanks to God and all of you I had an amazing deliverance during my 1st Wednesday night zoom call.

I had been preparing beforehand with Siobhán and myself by doing hymns and prayers. That night the electricity went out in my house but I was able to continue by phone.

I was delivered of witchcraft; I literally felt the spiders crawl up my neck and I could see the clocks roll back 20 years as memories came forward; it all flashed before me. Then my right ear opened and I felt a buzzing sensation as if a fly flew out of me.

Since then, I feel and look younger; it was the most dramatic healing I’ve ever been through in my life. If I were to explain it, people would think it was unimaginable. There was more. The next day I had an itchy feeling on my back that wouldn’t go away for a few days, but then it completely left and I felt a great release.

Siobhan saw the change in my eyes and body the next time we met. I was brighter, taller, more content. I am continuing to do the weekly Wednesday night deliverance calls now with my mother who is 87 years old.

This is so wonderful for me and my family and we are so grateful for all of you at Mountain Movers for what you do, and of course, our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.


