Hi beautiful sisters! I want to share one of my most recent victories. As I have posted in the FB group, I had filed for divorce four weeks ago and I had put a restraining order on my husband. That order got dismissed, but it lasted for three weeks.

At court, I shared that all the verbal abuse we were receiving from him and the fear my children had, would provoke my husband to hurt them. The enemy made my husband get in their faces with bullying words.

Before, when I didn’t know about deliverance or soul ties, I hated my husband for doing all of that to us when we were too nice to him. But just recently I started hating the evil spirits in him and what they had done to him to get him to that point of hatred towards us, his family.

So now after six years of marriage, I was fighting against my husband and recently started fighting against those demons (it is now that I see our victory as a marriage and family) my husband repented of it all and admitted he spoke bad about me at his church. He sees they were lies made up by him (but we know the enemy made them up, he’s a liar).

My husband has repented and wants to start fresh. He always used to blame me, but now he’s doing the opposite. The Holy Spirit took control of our talk and my husband agreed to go through deliverance. That is my victory that he wants to go to because before the enemy told him that was a crazy thing for me and my kids. It’s just been a blessing after the court on Tuesday. We had to go through all this, God made it into a blessing.

My job was to obey God and he will work on my husband. I learned to leave him in God’s hands.


marie t.
