I recently went through an intense one-on-one deliverance with Melissa; the word “Amazing” would not even begin to describe how it went… it was more like INDESCRIBABLE AMAZING and life-changing! I have never felt more freedom in my life until that day. I went outside and everything became brighter and for once I felt good about myself.

I have struggled for a long time; the demons tormented my mind by telling me that I am not good enough and that I’m not worthy, which led me down a dark path seeking what I thought I needed by using drugs. Through God’s grace and mercy, I am still alive, I’m here on earth to testify that His goodness is setting me free.

Over time with my involvement in Mountain Movers, and through deliverance, I have received the real truth with the Holy Spirit alive in me; especially on that day during deliverance when I knew right then and there, I was no longer going to be deceived by Satan anymore!

That is when the Lord took all the pain Satan had put me through, I felt I was getting back what was stolen, and I started to feel the heaviness fall away. During deliverance, Satan was exposed, and demons that had hiding out in me came flying out right and left. The more I hurled by coughing it all out, the freer I became by literally releasing it from my physical body.

Melissa told me I had a lot of sickness inside me, and as I wept with tears, I cried out to the Lord with a thankful heart for allowing this to happen so that I could release the years of strongholds and being in bondage. He released me of sickness, an addiction to smoking cigarettes, and doing drugs!

The Lord made me new that day. He restored me and, by having faith in the process of preparing for deliverance, I renewed my mind and allowed myself to be open and not so nervous.

I now have a desire to read the Bible every day. I just received a new Bible and I find myself wanting more time with Him in His word. I have struggled with this for years and was ashamed to admit I wasn’t in His Word. Now that I am understanding all the things blocking my path, I no longer am dealing with the heavy burden.

In addition, I used to be ashamed of my lifestyle, and now I’m not. The Lord has set me free in the areas I needed it most. He gets ALL THE GLORY!

I know there is much more to come, and this is just the beginning. Thankfully with the help of my sisters of Mountain Movers, I am more open to being vulnerable in sharing, asking for what I need, and getting delivered, without fear, anxiety, or nervousness.

To all my dear sisters out there who are reading this, I HIGHLY ENCOURAGE you to fight for your freedom and go through the deliverance process with Melissa. There is nothing quite like it and nobody out there who cares and can give you the attention, knowledge, wisdom, strength, and anointed Word-like she can. The Lord wants us set free, and she has been chosen as the vessel to get us there.

I would like to give a huge thanks in gratitude to Melissa for taking the time with me. I will never forget the power of this particular one-on-one.

Thank you to sister Jodi for all the help with the paperwork process and encouraging texts that helped me get through all my questions. And, to sister Kattie Brainard, for welcoming me into Mountain Movers, supporting me with prayers of encouragement, and answering my questions every time I needed it. She helped me stay focused and inspired me to stay strong.

God bless all of you!


