First of all, I am thankful for The Mountain Movers Women's Ministry! My first deliverance was on March 8th, 2022.

I am grateful for all the women involved, to make this Ministry available for us who are truly seeking God as we pursue our freedom in Christ. Mountain Movers is a Godsend.

I am thankful for Melissa Taft, who has invested herself into starting this ministry, and for her obedience as we can clearly glean the self-sacrificed time and energy that she has invested.

Finding Mountain Movers is like finding a precious lost treasure! It is filled with Gold nuggets of truth. The information available in the videos provides a wide plethora of information much needed in the world we live in today.

I did not know what to expect from my first deliverance experience. I wondered if anything would happen at all. I prepared myself in doing the Miracle List months ahead of time. I also worked on my walk with the Lord. I was determined that I wanted all that God had in store for me, and I was sick and tired of the enemy killing, robbing, and stealing from my life. The Lord was showing me I had to also lay down my fleshly desires, attitudes, thoughts, and beliefs.

I felt as though the Lord positioned me and placed me in a "dying to flesh boot camp" so to speak. I had to lay down my offenses because my normal responses to life's situations weren't working anymore. So, when faced with life's simple challenges to everyday living, God showed me that I had to change. I'm not going to lie, it was hard. I had to change my normal responses. I would cry, I would pout, I would be angry.

But the Lord is always faithful and would help pick me up again and again. He is teaching me to trust Him and not the situation. My tantrums only took me so far, and now there are fewer. I’ve trusted God in his timing and if and when he wanted me delivered it was going to happen. He is our deliverer.

At first, I was having technical difficulties, which was another sign I was on the right track. I pursued. As soon as we started praying, I knew the Lord was present. As I was aware of spirits being called out, I was also aware of an uncontrollable urge to allow myself to be purged of these awful spirits that I had opened myself up to through my past in walking in sin willfully. Spirits were being evicted left and right, including generational spirits.


It was an unbelievable experience. I am still processing it all. I am so grateful to God that he has so much love for us to provide this freedom. We do have to fight for our lives and God is our redeemer and vindicator.

As I am continuing on this walk towards freedom, God is revealing more of who He is to me and revealing the devil who is becoming smaller, while God is becoming bigger.

My Father forgives me for believing and living with the lies. I know the journey has just begun, thank you Jesus - Amen!


