michelle g.

It is a must that I share this testimony with anyone who is truly seeking freedom, so here it goes. By the grace of our merciful and loving, Heavenly Father, I walked into my first deliverance back in August 2021 at a deliverance center in Arizona where Melissa served. God knew exactly who to choose to minister deliverance to me when He chose Melissa.

In person deliverance can seem extremely daunting, especially when it is your very first time and you have no idea what to expect. But I had traveled all the way from Houston and I wasn’t going back home tormented.

Upon meeting Melissa, my heart and mind immediately began to be put at ease. She smiled when she walked into the room I was assigned and the rest of our 5 hours together was life-changing, to say the least. Melissa was patient and loving as she listened to me unravel all of the past depravity of my old life before truly serving Christ.

During some of the most embarrassing moments when I felt shame or self-disgust, Melissa never flinched, judged or condemned me. She continually served me with such love and empathy that I wept on many occasions.

Since that day in 2021, my life has never, EVER been the same. Through the transforming power of the Holy Ghost and her obedience to serve Him, by serving me, I have been set free from so many demonic oppressions I had been carrying since childhood that plagued me most of my adult life.

Through my deliverance, I was instantly and supernaturally healed of a disk disease that had resulted in horrific pain because from 5 bulging discs over an 8 year period. Melissa shared with me that this had been a result of generational witchcraft.

God’s mercy to heal me physically that day, also healed my heart and the unworthiness and rejection I had been oppressed with from hurting God and myself through my life-style.

The truth she shared with me that day and still continues to share today through Mountain Movers live zoom calls is still helping me to continue my deliverance. I highly suggest that if you are like me when I began: nervous regarding what deliverance will entail, yet so incredibly receptive to walk by faith in order to be healed, then you must get involved in this amazing community.

I encourage you to go back to the archived teachings teachings (Click here to subscribe to YouTube) shown in love, which included shooting me straight through the perfect lens of scripture, that ONE visit, alone, has completely catapulted my walk with Christ and zeal for continued freedom. I have a new found motivation and desire to share God’s truth regarding His love for each and every one of us whenever I have the opportunity.

You see when you are so broken on the inside and your pain is so deep and the only thing you know how to do is survive, it can cause so many perverted character defects that keep us from realizing who we truly are because of Christ’s love.

So If you're open willing and receptive you can walk &live in Serenity knowing that the power of The Divine God given Truth is readily available thru Mountain Movers Ministry. She’s my Friend Mentor & Sister for life just knowing that I’m not alone in this dark world it’s help to lift my fears worries and concerns and a profound peace in my heart, full of gratitude that God put her in my path to help me with this walk. Thank you ,Thank you Jesus for this precious lady.


martha g.


tracy b.