tracy b.

Hello, ladies. I'm quite new to Mountain Movers, and it has already made a positive impact on my life. I discovered this ministry through an online deliverance map.

Lately, I've been very drawn to learning about demons and deliverance, and I find it interesting that the Bible clearly teaches about it, yet so few preach or teach on the subject.

Since I was a child, I’ve always been very hard on myself, striving for excellence, seeking approval from others, and feeling ashamed when I fell short. Being stuck in a rut of looking for love and attention, having extreme anxiety, being very shy and passive, and going through a failed marriage, I knew I needed deliverance.

I wasn’t raised in a Christian home but was taught there was a God. I’ve always believed in God. WhenI was a teenager, I gave my life to Jesus. Although I love God, fear and shame have held me back my entire life.

I have had three mentorship calls with Melissa and during these, I discovered some hard truths which revealed how some of my previous ways of seeking the Lord were actually harming me spiritually, not helping me.

I used to attend many conferences, consult with prophets, and visit various churches, constantly seeking a touch from God. However, with Melissa's guidance, the Lord has made it clear to me that Jesus isn't a force to be seen, felt, or touched. I've come to understand that I need to know the Lord through His word and embrace the unconditional love the Father has for me.

Melissa and Carlyn have been amazing to talk to, creating a safe environment for vulnerability and healing. I love the Wednesday night teachings on Zoom and seeing all the ladies there. The lessons are so in-depth, and I've learned a lot.

I have also recently started participating in the Thursday night discipleship class, which has been a huge blessing and I'm looking forward to the next one, where we can dig even deeper into the word of God.

God Bless all of you ladies and I look forward to seeing you on Zoom!


michelle g.


tina C.