Otisha N.

I found my way to Mountain Movers, one late night in early April 2022 after I had just got done praying, wrestling, fighting and crying out to the Lord to forgive me and deliver me. Earlier that night, I had yet again, fallen into sexual sin with my boyfriend (at the time). Feeling dirty and ashamed, I went to YouTube…AGAIN…searching for Derek Prince and other mighty deliverance ministers…AGAIN…so that I could do more self-deliverance... AGAIN. This was the typical routine every time I backslid; watch videos and do self-deliverance.

On this particular evening, a deliverance minister mentioned a deliverance map available to anyone seeking deliverance in their local area. I immediately went to the map and started searching my area. I found several options but for whatever reason, Mountain Movers appealed to me most. After reading through their website, I immediately felt led to connect to this ministry. I was desperate and needed help and was in a really dark place in my Christian walk. I also felt hopeless and alone because every time I sought help; I was told by church leaders that this was simply “a normal part of being a Christian.” I emailed Melissa immediately and shared that I was still struggling with masturbation and fornication among many other things. I didn’t know if I would receive a response back. A few days later, Melissa contacted me and began to walk me through the initial steps on how to join the Mountain Movers community which would then lead me to live zoom corporate deliverance and ultimately one-on-one deliverance.

Since losing my mother at 22, I’ve been a part of several ministries, many of them causing more hurt and let down. The enemy began to lie to me saying that Mountain Movers would be just like all the others. So, for two weeks, I did nothing. Instead, I decided to join a recovery program which included weekly meetings with my former boyfriend. It was suggested I get a sponsor but when I did, the sponsor told me that she needed multiple sponsors herself because she continued to struggle. This is when I made the decision to go back and join Mountain Movers. After immersing myself in all the content on the website, I learned about a counterfeit holy spirit, kundalini, that revealed how deceived I had been regarding the false ministries I had been associated with.

The following week, Melissa was having a live seminar via zoom on this exact topic. (click here) I fought through demonic attacks that were trying to sabotage me from attending it. During the teaching, I intentionally kept my camera off and stayed silent the entire time. The true Holy Spirit began dealing with me as I cried during most of the seminar. I realized how infected I had become with these counterfeit spirits. I had experienced and witnessed so many false encounters with God as He was revealing they were not of Him. The enemy didn’t want me to engage in the chat by asking Melissa questions. I literally had to fight through all the demons in my mind telling me to get off zoom. Then the Holy Spirit began to give Melissa words of knowledge regarding my past that no one had ever addressed. She began to call out spirits of perversion among others that had been hiding in me from being molested as a child.

A day after the seminar, my former boyfriend broke up with me for no specific reason. I know now that we were attracted to one another through the spirit of perversion that Melissa had addressed on the teaching. I also realized many weeks later that he had been a demonic plant all along. By going through a lot of corporate deliverance on Wed nights, his demons no longer had an influence in my life. Today, I continue to stay actively involved in MM’s by attending the weekly live zoom deliverance calls. I also have been through one-on-one deliverance several times. The entire journey has been transformational to say the least. I often think about who I was and where I was at the beginning of April 2022 before Mountain Movers. God has been so faithful to continue to set me free by healing me physically, emotionally and even spiritually. I am entirely grateful to have fantastic teaching, deliverance, counsel, mentorship and discipleship, all available through this ministry. It has been the catalyst in my new relationship and walk with the real Holy Ghost.


Brenda B.


Sheri ann L.