Sheri ann L.

I had a one-on-one with Melissa and I would like to share my testimony of what has happened since.

My biggest concern going into deliverance was a spirit spouse. For several years now, I have progressively gotten more anxiety over intimacy with my husband. This past year the anxiety turned into anger.

I would rarely tell him no because I know the Bible says we must give our spouses their needs; however, I wasn't emotionally connected and it got to the point that I didn't want any intimacy at all; I would cringe if he wanted to hug or kiss.

My husband is a wonderful, patient man who never gets angry with me which is why it felt so unfair for me to act like that, and I could see his rejection spirits come out.

During my deliverance with Melissa, when she was casting out spirits, the Holy Spirit showed me that one of the biggest spirits amongst many, that was causing most of my issues was the spirit of rebellion, which is rooted in rejection.

Because my husband is passive, I used his passive nature against him to be the one in charge who "wore the pants" even though I never yelled or demanded things of him, I would make my own decisions and do what I wanted without him as head of the house and I didn't respect him in what he asked of me to do.

Fast forward a few weeks since the deliverance and I am very happy to say things have changed for the better and my husband is much happier. I have been fully present with him and enjoying our moments together and finding joy within myself. This hasn't been like that in YEARS!!!

Melissa taught me about Godly sorrow. I believe I was unable to feel that due to having a spirit of numbness.

I've been following her direction on how to feel Godly sorrow, forgiveness, and repentance for many things I had never thought about before; things that I didn't think were a big deal or didn't realize they were a problem until I have gone through this process.

She gave me instructions on how to speak to my kids and grandkids one by one and what to say when asking for forgiveness for each thing I had done in their lives to harm them.

The very next day following deliverance, I began talking to the kids. I lost a child to CPS in 2009 and when I asked her for forgiveness it turned out to be a very special moment. For the first time I looked into her eyes in over 10 years; I wasn't able to do that before because of the guilt I felt from losing her.

I'm working towards talking to a couple more kids and grandkids, however, I'm very encouraged with this process and I believe the steps I've taken so far are breaking off demonic chains of my past.

God used Melissa to expose and reveal so many things about myself and in the areas that the enemy has had me deceived. Satan convinced me that I was full of pride, humble, selfish, and rebellious; I was not materialistic, I love to help people and I was a submissive wife that didn't get upset and I always apologized.

I was wrong!

All of this was an attack and I was deceived. If I had not dealt with all this through forgiveness, repentance, and get delivered from it, those deceiving spirits would have continued to increase in power and in turn made my life challenging, causing more struggles.

We are leaving on vacation soon and normally vacations cause me anxiety due to my husband wanting to be romantic and creating memories. This time is different and I can actually say I’m excited about our vacation and there is no anxiety or fear.

Praise God, thank you Jesus, and thank you to Melissa and the entire Mountain Mover team for being so amazing through this process!!


Otisha N.


jemeria e.