jemeria e.

Yesterday, I texted Melissa and asked her to pray for Sebastian because it turned out he has "covid". Additionally, I sent Mountain Movers a message through Facebook asking for prayer for him. Not only did they pray, but they also encouraged and taught me to use my authority over my son and in my home.

I did that and within a few hours Sebastian’s fever was gone and he was back to normal by running around and playing with his toys.

It was amazing that by the time Melissa got back to me I was able to tell her he was already healed. We prayed more about it and it blessed me; she gave me word and along with powerful prayer we casted out those covid demons. She told me to cough them out and to activate my faith so that the spirits would come out.

I started coughing.

The first couple of coughs were weak but then they started getting deeper and louder. I was amazed and how they came out. I had to go into the bathroom, and I started vomiting out all kinds of stuff. It kept coming and coming and coming out. I’ve never been so happy to be vomiting because it was for the good and it is healing.

Immediately after the vomiting stopped, I felt an immediate stiffness in my head leave, the feeling of exhaustion was gone and all my other symptoms from being sick and tired had left and my energy was restored.

Praise God!

Melissa told me that everything I learned, I needed to go lay hands on my family one by one so I did that, and once I was finished my whole family had really good, sound sleep.

I am so grateful for what Jesus did on the cross for us. I’m thankful for the Mountain Movers community and for Melissa delivering me and my family.

I look forward to learning and growing more in the truth of God’s word and to continue walking in my authority.

God bless you all and be encouraged to continue seeking the Lord for your healing.


Sheri ann L.


Michelle w.