Michelle w.

I am currently about 3 months into my deliverance journey. I confess I would never have been able to guess all of the spiritual poison I have been carrying around over the 52 years of my life.

Rejection and all of its companion tormentors have kept me always feeling like I was on the outside looking in; never really accepted or truly belonging.

As I progress, the spiritual resistance to my deliverance is sometimes brutal ... And I find myself before this group of Mountain Moving women who are seeing me at my absolute worst, hearing my many wretched sins and ways I’ve messed up my life - and for the first time ever, I feel an acceptance and love through these women that can only come from heaven.

We are separated by states and countries, I have never met them in person, and yet they are loving me, investing in me, counseling me, encouraging me, speaking truth in love, and ultimately pointing me back to the Father.

For the first time, through these women, for whom I am SO GRATEFUL, I understand what the Body of Christ is supposed to be because they have been that for me.


jemeria e.


susan t.