susan t.

I began pursuing my deliverance and encouraging others to pursue deliverance in 2016.  I discovered Mountain Movers through an Arizona Deliverance Center YouTube video. 

The first time I attended a live Mountain Movers Zoom call was back in December 2021.  I was immediately excited and thrilled to have found a woman’s ministry.  Fast forward to a recent live prayer & worship call I attended on Sunday April 24th that Debbie Pratt hosted, I was blessed at how the music, and prayer hit me regarding how much the body of Christ needs to be more consistent with getting into prayer & worship together; to be stirred up in the Holy Spirit in order to fully receive the joy and thanksgiving of our Fathers love, provision, and protection.

The enemy can't stand the father’s children to be in touch with these truths, but the truth is written, and helps us to become set free. 

Towards the end of the call Melissa joined in to say a few words following Debbie, and while she was speaking, one of the women was weeping in agreement to her words; Melissa helped her and while this woman was receiving a deliverance prayer specific to her situation, I suddenly realized I too was receiving deliverance. 

I started yawning, coughing, and eye tearing.  I have found that while others are getting deliverance, I do too.  It's such a glorious win to receive the power of the Holy Spirit working in all of us.  And, as crafty as the enemy is with lies, schemes, and negative thoughts, I have been able to come against this and get delivered by rejoicing and dancing as a part of my morning prayer time. 

It was this special Sunday night prayer & worship call that led me to start adding movement to my routine.  I typically wake up and say "Thank you Father" but since receiving the blessing of deliverance, I have added music, dancing and singing which has made a big difference in my focused time with Him. 

As a true believer, I want to be filled with the pleasures of His inheritances while here in His Kingdom. 

Mountain Movers has really helped me with being able to receive what I need, get delivered and healed.  Women need this, I need this! -  Mountain Movers has helped me to remember who is crouching at the door; to be more aware and discern it, as well as who desires to sift me like wheat EVERY DAY.  

I will continue to press in so that I can become a better soldier for my Savior, Yeshua HaMashiach. I am so grateful and thankful to Melissa Taft and the entire Mountain Mover team!


Michelle w.
