Mountain Movers LOVES testimonies!
Many women as you will read, have had a life-changing experience that they feel grateful for. Mountain Movers would like to ask that if you have positive feedback that has blessed your life, please share your incredible testimony and become part of our testimony page.

The Word promises that you can literally overcome Satan by the Blood of the Lamb, AND the word of your very own testimony. We receive incredible testimonies from our live Wednesday night zoom deliverance calls.

Please…PLEASE… if you find it in your heart, take the time to share with us how you have been served and what has made the most impact on your life by being part of the Mountain Mover community. Kindly send your testimony to melissa@beamountainmover.com.

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jemeria e.

Yesterday, I texted Melissa and asked her to pray for Sebastian because it turned out he has "covid". Additionally, I sent Mountain Movers a message through Facebook asking for prayer for him. Not only did they pray, but they also encouraged and taught me to use my authority over my son and in my home.

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Michelle w.

I am currently about 3 months into my deliverance journey. I confess I would never have been able to guess all of the spiritual poison I have been carrying around over the 52 years of my life.

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susan t.

I began pursuing my deliverance and encouraging others to pursue deliverance in 2016. I discovered Mountain Movers through an Arizona Deliverance Center YouTube video.

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I’ve been in the process of deliverance with Melissa and the Mountain Mover team over the course of the past couple of months; it wasn’t just an instant deliverance. Everything that happened began with one step of faith on a Wednesday night zoom call when I raised my hand.

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For as long as I can remember, I have held grudges otherwise known as an offense, some seeming small and casual while other grudges were bigger and hidden, buried deep inside my heart. I would forgive them and bless them but still wouldn’t feel totally free.

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I have had crazy ocular migraine headaches with visual and verbal impairment, numbness, and stroke-like symptoms randomly for 21 years. They started when I got a depo shot at 19.

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I’ve been working on getting my joy back since heroin took it. I literally had to fight and drag my way thru life for the past 12 years.

On the evening of June 5th, 2021 I felt, for the first time in years, the joy of living. I had the best night with my son, but I knew it’d be gone when I woke up.

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marie t.

Hello ladies, my name is Marie Therese from Co. Limerick Ireland. I heard of Mountain Movers in September thanks to my daughter Siobhán and once again thanks to God and all of you I had an amazing deliverance during my 1st Wednesday night zoom call. I had been preparing beforehand with Siobhán and myself by doing hymns and prayers.

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Hi beautiful sisters! I want to share one of my most recent victories. As I have posted in the FB group, I had filed for divorce four weeks ago and I had put a restraining order on my husband. That order got dismissed, but it lasted for three weeks.

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I just recently went through an intense one-on-one deliverance with Melissa; the word “Amazing” would not even begin to describe how it went… it was more like INDESCRIBABLE AMAZING and life-changing! I have never felt more freedom in my life until that day. I went outside and everything became brighter and for once I felt good about myself.

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Finding Mountain Movers is like finding a precious lost treasure! It is filled with Gold nuggets of truth. The information available in the videos provides a wide plethora of information much needed in the world we live in today.

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I must give a praise report! I came to this ministry desperate and broken from so many things. A life of regret, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, broken relationships, lost income, health issues, and being tormented by demons. The list goes on.

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mountain movers community praise reports